Originally Posted by bob jenkins
You can have a "normal" (not "common") PF on an airborne shooter after the ball becomes dead.
Even when the horn has sounded to end the period and the try is no longer in flight? Please note that this is a polite question, not a sarcastic statement.
Also, in my opinion, I believe that, in the absence of an intentional or flagrant act, a foul can be called up until the airborne shooter gets at least one foot on the floor, but that's an opinion based on common sense, because ...
I'm still confused by this wording: The ball does not become dead until the airborne shooter returns to the floor, when: Article 5, 6, or 7 occurs while a try or tap for a field goal is in flight. I'm confused because the try ended when it was certain that the try was unsuccessful, ergo, no try, no exception.
(Ergo? Where did that come from? I've been reading too many of mbyron's posts.)