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Old Wed Dec 23, 2009, 10:02pm
j51969 j51969 is offline
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Location: Illinois
Posts: 439
Originally Posted by Back In The Saddle View Post
My signal pet peeve is people who don't understand that all mechanics, including signals, exist to serve us. Not the other way round.

Signaling mechanics facilitate communication, on multiple levels. On the surface they communicate our decisions. How the signals are executed communicates deeper, more important information. A sharp looking signal communicates confidence, experience, control. A shabby looking one conveys the opposite.

With signals, the mechanic isn't "right" if it doesn't look sharp. And since we all differ a little physically, we don't all look the same way when executing the same signal. What looks sharp from you may look terrible from me. So a slight variation on any signal that still clearly conveys the surface information, but which an official can execute with much better presentation is better IMHO.
Well spoken, and very true.
"The soldier is the army."

-General George S. Patton, Jr.
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