Originally Posted by 26 Year Gap
The guy was chirping like crazy early in the game. My back was to him as trail and I said loud enough for him to hear "That's enough, coach."
I don't really have a problem with this, but then again I think I'm averaging a little over one T a game in high school games this season. I'm trying to take the nice approach and ask the coach to let the situation go. Of course, I don't mind having the perception of an official who will call a T...
Originally Posted by fiasco
I would just rather handle the situation better next time so the perception of "gunning" for the coach isn't there. Perhaps a quicker T would accomplish that.
I think you are worried about perception too much. What about the perception that a coach can act in an unsporting manner during a scholastic event? The coach does it and then the players start to take adopt the same behavior. If we took care of unsporting behavior more, it would clean up the game. I was in a college conference where Ts flew around all the time and unsporting behavior was decreased. It works.