Originally Posted by JRutledge
I think you can use the players as a guide, but you should not rely on them to make what might be a close call. If everyone is heading in that direction and you are unsure, I have no problem if you make a call based on that. It is after all just one call and if everyone is convinced you are going in a certain direction, you can just go with that. But it also takes some art to do that and you cannot rely on this to always work. But then again I have also learned to not be too quick to point. I just blow the whistle and wait before I call the color, then point. But that took time to do that consistently.
Good point. I should have qualified my statement a little more. If you're looking to the players with an expression that says "I have no idea, help me out guys", then you're going to have 5 guys pointing one way and 5 pointing the other way. Then what do you do?