Thread: Chain Crews
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Old Thu Dec 19, 2002, 08:26pm
bluezebra bluezebra is offline
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When I was in the San Fernando valley Unit of the California Association, we (as everywhere else) was having trouble getting chain crews for sub-varsity games. One of the members came up with a great solution. You don't need chains on the kickoff. Start the game. As soon as the ball is dead, the ref signals for an officials' time out. He then informs the home team head coach that the game cannot continue without a chain crew. As soon as the PA announcer tells the fans, get out of the way. There will be hordes of Dads coming out of the stands.

It worked every game from then on.

Also, if the chain crew won't listen to the HL's instructions, get the AD or head coach and tell him you need a new crew. Don't let the inmates run the asylum.

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