Originally posted by Duster
Hello everyone.
I am a 16 year old teenager in Kansas. I am wondering what the rest of you officials out there think of me officiating ADULT Recreation League. I did it once last year, but I was out of shape. I am in shape now thanks to wearing my bullet proof vest for about 16 hours at a time. Anyways, I need the money, but is it worth getting yelled at by people up to 3x my age?
I gave out 3 t's last year IN THE LAST GAME OF THE SEASON, for cussing, dissent, ect. I loved it, but after that I was shakey. (Can anyone say adrenalin rush?)
Please let me know what you people think.
ALso, about the vest stuff. I am a Sheriff Cadet in Sedgwick County Kansas.
I first started officiating BBall when i was about your age.
The keys that i have for you are as follows
1. Never ever say No to a game assignement. You might not think that you should be doing certain games but what ever happens never say no to your assignor.
2. I'm still only 27 and the harderst thing to do is gain the RESPECT of the players. If your able to do that, you won't have any trouble in your games. i ref an over 35 senior mens league and it ususally takes about 3-5 yrs of doing their games until they respect you enough not to question your integrity.
3. Lastly and most importantly, as a young official it is your responsibility to ask for help, not just with the rules but with game in general. Finding an individual or an educator who is willing to spend hundreds of hours discussing problems and situations with you is a key, some people say to only have one mentor, however i say have 2-3 this way you can gain different perspectives.
Above all else, have fun and keep smiling. If you treat players as an equal, they will be more inclined to do the same.
Keep smiling