1) you've gotta pre-game last shot, because if you just rely on the chest or head pat signal, then there's gonna be a quick steal and fast break just after said pat, and neither of you is gonna know who's supposed to watch off ball. (This really happened to me just this evening! Fortunately, the fast break was late enough that the ball never got up on a shot, but still...)
2) Mark, I WAS hurt, you dork!
3) My pet peeve signal?? It was new to me this year, it's the "safe" signal, from baseball, but partner used it to mean "no foul". After the second safe signal that she gave while I was actually blowing the whistle for a foul, I went to her and said, "Please don't do that again!!" She said, "Oh, everyone around here uses the safe signal". Which was news to me, since I've been working "around here" for 11 years, and I've never seen it before, and can't imagine anyone thinking it's a good idea. And she was clueless why it bothered me! Oh, well.
It's not who you know, it's whom you know.