I've noticed lately that it seems like there are an elite few questions that seem to get asked repetitively on this board. Has anyone ever thought that maybe the way that officials are learning the rules and case book plays may be flawed?
I know in the Cleveland area, there is, well, shall I say more than person who teaches an officiating class every year. I was lucky enough to choose the better one (by blind luck!), but it's amazing how often people in my area acknowledge myself and other individuals who have taken that class. Not that I'm tooting my own horn or anything, but even locally it seems like there is an obvious distinction between one class and another - mainly in mechanics.
I know in some states (PA, I believe) that you don't even have classroom instruction! All you have to do is pass a written test!

Here in Ohio, I think you have to have X amount of classroom hours before you're even allowed to LOOK at a written exam
How 'bout all yunz guys? What methods were you subjected to when learning this advocation?