We generally have a hard time getting parents to help with the chains at the JH level. The chain crew is usually kids that have gotten in trouble with the AD, and working the chains is part of their punishment..... Not a good situation. What the parents don't realize is they have a better view of the game from the Chains, plus a good chain crew adds to the game.
At the Varsity level, we have no problem with the Chain Crews, unless there's a fire or emergency. Of the 5 High Schools we service, 4 of them have chain crew members who are also members of the local volunteer fire department. Of course, half the crowd leaves if there's an emergency also. But it seems there are always parents who are anxious to fill in for those who leave, in fact they tend to fight over who gets to fill in.
Generally, at the JH level, we don't worry about the clip. At that level, the boys are just learning the game, and there isn't as much emphasis on the results as at the higher levels.
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