Originally Posted by Jim Henry
Sort of happened to me last night.
Visitor's coach is yelling "5-out, 5-out" but I hear "Time Out." It was his last time out with about 1:30 to go in game. They are up by 10 points.
He gives me a strange look and I said "Coach that's your last time out." Scorer says, "Coach said 5 out." Nevertheless he got a time out. Next time down the court he yells "6 out." I'm not confused this time!
Lesson learned (I hope)... Coach needs to use better commands and I need to look at the coach before I call the TO.
I've had that happen before. You should not charge him with a time out because of your error (unless he requests one during the dead ball time). Own up to it and be honest about it.
ESPECIALLY since your scorer confirmed that he was not requesting a time out...