Originally Posted by Jim Henry
Sort of happened to me last night.
Visitor's coach is yelling "5-out, 5-out" but I hear "Time Out." It was his last time out with about 1:30 to go in game. They are up by 10 points.
He gives me a strange look and I said "Coach that's your last time out." Scorer says, "Coach said 5 out." Nevertheless he got a time out. Next time down the court he yells "6 out." I'm not confused this time!
Lesson learned (I hope)... Coach needs to use better commands and I need to look at the coach before I call the TO.
I have been fooled by the "5 Out" play as well. But in this case, if you really just misheard the coach and he never actually did request a timeout, and he doesn't want one, you can just play on at POI. Don't charge the guy for a timeout because you can't hear.