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Old Fri Dec 18, 2009, 02:21pm
26 Year Gap 26 Year Gap is offline
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Originally Posted by fiasco View Post
I think the frustrating thing for me is I hate the perception that I am gunning for a coach. When you have a coach like this guy, it's almost impossible to get away from that perception.

Either you let him ride you like a donkey all night (which I'm not willing to do) or you look (to any casual observer of the game) like you're out to get him.

I realize we're not supposed to care "how it looks," but I'm still new and trying to get this perception out of the back of my mind, especially when I whack him and I'm getting multiple people from the stands screaming "That's why you're still reffing JV ball!!!"

I know I shouldn't let it affect me, but some nights, it just does.
Just report it like any other foul and take the emotion out of it. Do not stare at the guy. Call it, report it and change places with your partner who will now give him the sit down speech.

I had one about 2 weeks ago. The guy was chirping like crazy early in the game. My back was to him as trail and I said loud enough for him to hear "That's enough, coach." I advised my partner at the next break, which was not a long time. I was then reporting a foul on one of his players and he started up again in a loud voice and was standing up and it was difficult to report the foul uninterrupted. I finished reporting the foul, blew my whistle, calmly made the T sign and we had no more problems the rest of the night. About 3 minutes into the 2nd qtr.

The more games you do, the more confidence you will have. And it will not look like you are gunning for anyone.
Never hit a piƱata if you see hornets flying out of it.
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