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Old Thu Dec 19, 2002, 02:47pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Location: In the offseason.
Posts: 12,263

I actually benefitted from the screw up because the he used their AP for that. The official in me just didn't want to benefit from a blown call.
This actually wasn't a blown call. It was handled properly. There is no way an official should take the word of a coach on a play that the official didn't see. If the official is screen, or if he was watching off-ball and didn't see who touched the ball last, he/she asks the other official. If neither one knows, they have to go to the arrow. No official likes to do this, but it happens. I saw one of our own brethren on this board go to a jump ball in a 3-whistle WNBA game b/c nobody could determine who touched it last. He and his crew handled perfectly. It happens.

Good luck in the rest of your season!

If I've got a player/coach that is telling me that it is the other team's ball when I don't see it, I'll listen everytime. There is no motive to lie when it is giving the ball away. It's possible that they are mistaken, but not likely if they are speaking up.
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