Thread: PSK Revisited
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Old Thu Dec 17, 2009, 03:46pm
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by RichMSN View Post
Can I borrow a comma from this thread?

Personally I liked the previous definition of the PSK window before they tried making it easier on us. But it's still clear -- the window opens with the snap and closes at the end of the kick as long as the requirements of PSK are met.
You sure? Fed probably meant to copy NCAA, which classifies downs according to a priority ranking of certain things happening during the down, so they probably mean "scrimmage kick play" as a down during which a scrimmage kick occurred, but it is odd that they used the word "play", which invites other interpretations.

I finally, preparing to move stuff back into the room with the new carpet, dug out my collection of research on football rules, and Fed used to be such a model of clarity, but they've gone way downhill. I doubt sloppiness such as this would've occurred 30 yrs. ago in Fed; in NFL or CFL, sure, and probably about as easily in what was then CAFA; in NCAA, very unlikely, but still more likely than Fed at that time.

We can gather that by using the word "play" they meant something other than just the interval of the scrimmage kick itself, but by not using the word "down" they suggest something other than that too. Maybe they were meaning to cover certain intervals in the unlikely event of those multiple kicks that some posters have brought up, and just forgot to add the definition.
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