Thread: Ref The Defense
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Old Thu Dec 17, 2009, 12:01pm
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Originally Posted by JPaco54 View Post
Can some of you help me with this philosophy of "Reffing the Defense"...have read some articles mentioning this and heard it at a Training Scrimmage a few weeks back. The only thing I can remember is that if you do not ref the defense you will not be able to be fair to the defender in all cases, such as a block vs charge...This is one area I am trying to approve on, being fair to the defense as well as the offense. Thanks in Advance!
I think you mean improve, not approve?

I've heard this several times too but cannot remember what it really means. I just think it means, especially for block/charge situations, that you should watch the defensive player so you can see exactly where he/she is and how long he/she has been there. It'll help you make a better decision to call a block or a charge. It will help you not look at the ball and the offensive player with the ball so much, which can help to distract you.
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