Wed Dec 16, 2009, 05:38pm
Keeper of the HAMMER
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: MST
Posts: 27,190
Originally Posted by representing
I've wanted to hang a sign on my back with something like this for biddy rec games. Those games at my local school district are absolutely bad to do and not worth the $20 we get paid per games. Coaches are horrible, parents are horrible, and it's only one referee with a coach of a neutral team forced to volunteer ref with the one certified ref. And what's funny is that the coach will come to me before the game and say "well, I don't know the rules like you do, but I'll try my best". Then I'll get that coach in the next game and he'll be yelling all over the place as if he did know the rules better than I did. I hate ref'ing that rec league, but I do it anyways, because it's for the kids, not for me, the coaches, etc.
It looks like it might be time to start serving some T.
Sprinkles are for winners.