Thread: Black Pants
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Old Wed Dec 16, 2009, 04:38pm
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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Originally Posted by ump33 View Post
It is my understanding that an in-state officials supply company donated the pants for use in the only live televised championship game in NC. Generosity or marketing?

As for the crew ... it was not the pants that made them look good. I watched the game and I thought they did a very good job. Their mechanics and hustle were solid and continuous the entire game. Congratulations to the North State Crew from a Metrolina ref.
Honigs in Raleigh had the pants on hand. I forget how Conner told me they ended up with them. Most of the booking agents were not in favor of them when they were last discussed, because of the cost issue. But i think each of us should be allowed to make that decision, not the booking agents. Mark is in favor of them and he made the decision to use them in the 4AA game. That came directly from Mark when we talked at the basketball state clinic. He's still pushing them.

As for the crew, I thought they were ok. The BJ allowed the receivers to get behind him twice. I thought the headset issue could have been handled better and the clock situation was definitely screwed up at the end of the 2nd qtr.
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