This is posted on another message board with a discussion of whether this tactic is illegal, unethical, or "smart" playing. I want to get the opinion of umpires if this happened in your game.
One of the other posts reminded me of a play we used ALOT, to try and distract the catcher about to throw down to 1st
Runner on third. Batter lays down a bunt. Catcher goes after ball. Runner on 3rd has not moved off the bag. An instant before the catcher touches the ball, 3BR yells 'RUNNER" or "GOING" as he/she sprints for 2 steps and stops.
MOST of the time the catcher will at least hesitate making the throw to first, giving the batter/runner another second to make it there safely.
If the catcher turns toward third, you have to dive back but your batter/runner will be safe.
At BEST, the catcher hesitates, makes a hurried throw to first (or third) and 3br score, Batter / runner may or may not make it to 2nd.
Dont recall anyone talking about this. Does anyone else do this or were we the only ones?
The poster later "clarified" the runner is yelling at the 3rd base coach, not at the opposing team. Does that make a difference? Does the age make a difference?