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Old Wed Dec 16, 2009, 04:54am
representing representing is offline
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NFHS 9-9-3 says:

A player from the team not in control (defensive player or during a jump ball or throw-in) may legally jump from his/her frontcourt, secure control of the ball with both feet off the floor and return to the floor with one or both feet in the backcourt. The player may make a normal landing and it makes no difference whether the first foot down is in the frontcourt or backcourt.

Remember that there is NO team control during throw-ins. So backcourt does not apply to throw-ins, because you can only have a backcourt violation when team control exists.

So in conclusion, you were wrong to make the backcourt call in this situation. It does not matter whether the first foot landed in front, on or behind the division line. Even if it did, he would have still be in the back court as he landed on the line. as someone mentioned above, all three must be in front of the line (both feet and the ball) before having full frontcourt status.
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