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Old Tue Dec 15, 2009, 11:06pm
26 Year Gap 26 Year Gap is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
mbyron: I hope that you keep it in a safe place. That coin goes for anywhere from $650.00 to $2,200 depending on the grade.

It's nice to see that there other "wheaties" collector's on the Forum. I found two in my change just in the last month. My favorites are the 1943 steel cents, and the 1944 to 1946 cartridge case cents. Some people collect gold Krugerrands. I collect pennies. That should give you an idea of where I stand, economically speaking. I started collecting while working my way through college at an ice cream and sandwich shop. My manager allowed me to buy wheat pennies, Mercury dimes, buffalo nickels, Franklin half dollars, etc., from the cash drawer, and I continued to collect interesting coins when I worked part-time at a country club.
I used to stop off at the bank after school on Fridays and would check penny rolls. 1944s were so common that they were not set aside. Once in a great while a great find like a 1908 or prior one cent piece would be squirreled away in a roll. Surprised nobody has caught the context. And since we were near the border, King George Canadian pennies were also a nice find.
Never hit a piņata if you see hornets flying out of it.
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