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Old Tue Dec 15, 2009, 01:24pm
showbo showbo is offline
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Originally Posted by eemich10 View Post
OK, I have been looking in the rule book, and I am 99% sure, but wanted to see what you all say...

A1 inbounding the ball in the frontcourt, passes to A2. A2 recieves ball in the air, comes down one foot on the division line, one foot in the backcourt.

A2 begins dribble, and moves both feet into backcourt.

Backcourt violation, correct? (RULE 9.9.1)

The foot on the line established front court?
No, it is not backcourt violation IMO. Regardless of where the throw in occurs, no team has possession on the throw in until the ball is in control by Team A or B. So, therefore there is not back court violation.

That is how I understand that question/rules, please let me know if I am wrong because I would not call the violation.

I may not always be right, but I am never wrong. Besides, if you disagree with me, that just means you're wrong.
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