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Old Tue Dec 15, 2009, 12:52pm
Nate1224hoops Nate1224hoops is offline
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Posts: 259
Intentional Foul Question

Team A is up by two points shooting a 1 and 1 with 12 seconds left. Team A misses. Team B pulls the rebound, pushes it to the other end of the floor. Shot goes up, it misses. B pulls the offensive board and misses again. Team A secures the rebound. Team B commits a hard quick foul. Partner is lead and blows whistle. He comes out with arms crossed indicating an intentional foul. Team B's coach blows up. Same partner hits him with T.

I'm not sure what my partner was thinking on this one. All I saw was a missed shot and a quick hold to kill the clock. It looked like great clock management by Team B. My partner said in the locker room after the game that she intentionally grabbed the players arm.

Are you going to make this call? Is it right?

I feel that we as officials must understand time, situation, and score as well as coaches and players. With 6 seconds left in the game and Team B down 2 without the ball, everyone knows they are going to foul to stop the clock. Assuming there are no shoves in the back, punches, elbows, or excessive uses of force, I think you have a foul and thats it. An intentional foul at that stage of the game with that score really seems like a reach to me. Thoughts??
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