Originally Posted by Spence
#1 Coach requests TO. Granted. However, he's out of them.
#2 A6 when told to "go in" runs onto the court without being beckoned during a live ball.
In #1, does the coach get the seatbelt since this is a team T? Does it count towards his T count that determines if he is ejected?
Administrative T, no indirect to coach (no seat-belt), but counts towards team-foul count.
#2 Does A6 get the T since this is a "substitute T?" Does the coach get the seatbelt? Does it count against his total # Ts for ejection purposes?
A6 gets a T for entering court without being beckoned. This counts towards his 2 T limit, his 5 personal limit, and is added to the team count. No indirect to the coach.