Originally Posted by Rufus
Quick History
My one and only career ejection, 2 years ago, was this coach when he coached the JV squad. Since that time he was promoted to V. Never did another game with him coaching though he has hung around for JV/Freshman games to ride herd over the other coaches for his team. Have barely spoken to the man since I tossed him and bear no grudge or anything like that (i.e., tossing him wasn't personal, just business).
Present Time
Said coach is acting as an assistant coach for the Freshman game I called. He starts chiming in from the bench questioning calls. Me, trying to be accomodating and explain the calls, do so. Needless to say I've now enabled him questioning every call, loudly (remember, Freshman game in big, empty, gym).
We come back from half-time and he questions another call by my partner. Rather than T him (I know I've created this mess and unfortunately can't call a T on myself) go to the head coach and quietly let him know that (1) I understand his assistant today is the V coach but (2) bench personal are better seen not heard and that I can take care of it or he can.
After that there were no further comments.
I know I should have had that discussion with the Freshman coach sooner and/or T'd up the assistant coach for his comments. I also should not have engaged him in any questions directed at me because (1) we only talk to head coaches and (2) doing so undermines the head coach.
How would you all have handled this from the start? Once, and if, you found yourself in my position at half-time how would you have handled? Any guidance, specifically in dealing with assistant coaches or cleaning up a mess you've help create, would be appreciated.
There is no right or wrong answer here, but an assistant coach does not have the same privileges of a head coach and that is obvious by rule.
If you do not want to hear from assistants, then come up with a line that makes it clear that you only want to talk or hear concerns from the head coach. Some are funny, others are direct and others just get a point across. And just understand that not everyone is going to like you for doing this. But the only other option is to give a T and that is the last thing you want to do if you ask me.
I have said everything from, "Hey....who is my head coach?" Then had the head coach say, "Well that would be me." Then I tell the head coach, "You are the only one I want to hear from tonight." That usually gets the message across. But I have done things like approach the head coach directly and tell him that I am not going to hear complaining from his assistants and if he has an issue, he needs to be the one that addresses those concerns. These are things that work for me and have worked for others. But I also have the personality that it comes off well and I get the job done. You might have a different approach and that is fine. Just come up with something that you can use that works for you and figure out how you best need to deliver such line or point so that you will not have 5 assistants yelling at you.