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Old Wed Dec 18, 2002, 02:49pm
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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With players as young as 5th and 6th grade, you may find that stepping down to the baseline is worth the extra physical exertion. They really clump up under the basket and it can be very difficult to keep control if you're above the basket.

With older kids, there won't be as much bunching up and it's easier to get an angle in between the bodies. And they break faster! So you can stay out around the three point line.

Similar to RookieDude, I did two JV boys games in a row one evening in June. The compliments that were given to my assignor were one factor in moving me up. I warned the players ahead of time, "I'm calling anything that even smells like a foul" and then I did. They were great games, and I pulled them off. I then went home and soaked in a hot tub -- I was tired!!
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