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Old Wed Dec 18, 2002, 02:09pm
RookieDude RookieDude is offline
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I had about 3 years expeirence when I was told that I would be the only official at a H.S. boys Freshman game. The AD watched the game and told me afterward that "that game was officiated better than most of our games with two officials."
I felt good about that...and was rewarded by making the Varsity list the next year at that school.
My point is, take advantage of these unique situations and make the best of them!
I have found that in the few games I have done by myself that the Coaches can be more tolerant and may understand that you have increased responsabilities.
Also, if I was to do a Middle School game nowdays by myself...I would simply tell the players I may ask for help on an OOB play...If "we" can't decide who hit it out, then "we" go to the arrow.
NOTE: Check out a pick-up game won't see as many arguments over calls when there are no officials as you do when there are 2 or 3 officials!! Funny, isn't it?


[Edited by RookieDude on Dec 18th, 2002 at 01:12 PM]
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