Originally Posted by bob jenkins
I'm a little confused as to how that adds up to 2, but as soon as the discrepancy was noted, try to get it fixed.
Happens with some regularity at lower level games.
Maybe game management should deal with the texting scorekeeper.
Sorry, Bob. What I am meaning is that I, scoreboard operator, saw 2 2 pt. baskets & 1 free throw made (5). The visitor scorebook had only one 2 pt. basket (2), while the home book had just the 2 2 pt. baskets (4). Neither book had recorded the free throw being made.
I watched a bit more closely how the Varsity Table is ran & am gonna start using that strategy (both books together side-by-side, with scoreboard to the left, looking at table from floor, & the shot clock operator).
Concerning the texting scorekeeper, I'll be working crowd control at a Wrestling Invite at my alma mater before the Boys' Games to be played on Saturday. I'll see about talking with the AD that I have someone (an adult) that wants to learn & do scorebook for C-Squad & JV Games. I'll also mention to him, quoting previous situations, that it would be better if he let the coaches know that for the C-Squad & JV Games that an adult do the scorebook(s). We don't need to worry about the Varsity Games scorebook as they're done by adults.