Had a game with a fairly new partner last night. Everything seemed to go pretty well, except the V HC started complaining early in the second half that "my girls always get called for fouls, and theirs never do."
I chalked it up to paranoid/partisan whining at first. The foul count was 4-2, not a big deal. I hadn't changed I was calling the game, and she wasn't complaining about it in the first half. But during the fourth quarter, I happened to be looking at a foul my partner called on one of her girls on a shot. From my angle I had nothing.
That got me thinking maybe we just weren't on the same page. The crew that followed us confirmed that. As one of them said, rather diplomatically, "You were each very consistent on each end."
So here's my question. I've asked it before, though maybe not here, and have yet to find any good answers.
In a two-person officiated game, where each of you are watching your own area, looking off ball when you should, etc., how can you know when your are calling the game inconsistently as a crew? What clues or signs should I look for?
Some thoughts that come to mind are:
* If there are differences in where the partners are calling fouls (e.g., I'm not calling anything on the perimeter, but he is; I have a few off ball calls, and he has none)
* The coach complaining about lack of consistency
* Asking my partner at breaks, "What did you have on that last foul?"
* Maybe consciously peeking into my partner's area at times
The first one seems legit, others not so much so.
How do you know whether you are on the same page as your partner?