Originally Posted by bradfordwilkins
Had a fun one today -- Coming down the floor and A1 and B1 are josstling at each other a little and A1 is trying to get open and runs out of bounds (a good 3 feet outside the sideline) and is simultaneously followed by B1 who goes out a step behind him.
We're talking both of them running down outside the sideline by 3 feet. I whistle the violation and brain goes into overdrive and I decide the only other Double "violation" I know of is a free throw and in that case we have a jump ball...so I went to the arrow, no complaints around.
But was I correct? And are there any other "double violations" ?
Against expectations, I stumbled across an actual answer to this in the rule book today.
"...An alternating-possession throw-in shall result when:
c. Simultaneous floor or free-throw violations occur." (NFHS 6-4-3c)
Leaving the floor is a floor violation per NFHS 4-46, and simultaneous floor violations result in an AP throw-in.