Tue Dec 08, 2009, 10:44pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Lakewood, Ohio
Posts: 718
Originally Posted by dsqrddgd909
I will never criticize a fellow referee again.
First HS F/JV Boys games. Class A schools. Freshman game went fine.
JV game....let's see...
1. Blarge, partner came in and had block. I then went to report it, could not remember who to call it on.
It happens. Main point here is to slow down. Hold your preliminary signal on double whistles until you can come together. Take your time and gather your thoughts before you report to the table. Slow Down.
Originally Posted by dsqrddgd909
2. OOB play that my P helped me on, where W came from OOB and had not established himself inbounds before touching ball.
3. Both Teams in bonus in first half, both in 2nd half, one being double bonus.
You can't blame yourself for bad basketball. You have to call what you see. Don't fall into the trap that you need to hurry your game just to please some big time Varsity Official who has a date at a bar at 9:30. The assignor has arranged for you to be there and you are being paid for your service. You don't owe anyone an apology for doing your best.
Originally Posted by dsqrddgd909
4. Took a ball off the ear while administering FT and joked to the kid who innocently threw it.."You must be the point guard," (trying to make light of MY goof.) He thought I was talking trash to him. (Forgot the "Can't quote silence.")
Don't worry about that. You have to let your personality come into play a little. If you try to stifle it, you will end up working too hard on controlling you and that just leads to burnout.
Originally Posted by dsqrddgd909
5. My mechanics on OOB made me look like a traffic cop or a crazed windmill...take your pick.
6. Blue, down by 8 with 14 seconds left calls time out, but the official book and clock say they don't have any. The visitor's book has only 4. I call the T and we administer the free throws.
Even if both books have 5, if the team asks for a time out, you need to grant it an then assess the T's.
Originally Posted by dsqrddgd909
7. Game took about an hour and 25 mins to play.
See my note on point 3.
Originally Posted by dsqrddgd909
You should have seen the look on the V refs when we went back to our dressing room afterwards.
I still feel sick. I really thought I'd be ready.
JV basketball will never be confused with Duke/UNC. Its hard to look pretty when the basketball is ugly. Put it behind you an look forward to your next assignment. You can't get better sitting in the stands. Get on the court and keep working on your game.