Per the NFHS rules the torso of the jersey must be a single solid color from the base of the neckline to the bottom edge of the shirt. That is the color which must be used for comparison to the headbands and wristbands. The color of the trim or the numbers or the lettering is not relevant.
From the NFHS Uniform pdf:
1. The “torso” is the portion of the jersey from an imaginary horizontal line at the base of the neckline extending to each armhole, down to the bottom hem of the jersey and from side seam to side seam.
2. The torso of the jersey must be a single solid color (white for home and dark for visitor).
3. A visible manufacturer’s logo/ trademark/reference is NOT permitted.
NOTE: A “locker-tag” near the bottom of a jersey designed to be tucked in, is not interpreted as “visible.”