Originally Posted by Snaqwells
This is the wrong procedure. I had a game like this last week. Home team started with 7. One turned his ankle in the 2nd quarter and two fouled out in the fourth. Home finished the last couple minutes with 4 and won by about 8 or 9.
Snaqwells, how is that the wrong procedure? Is there a rule/regulation in NFHS that the teams have to remain 5-on-5 throughout the game?
The incident I am talking about that I witnessed, it was the 4th quarter with only about 2 minutes left on the clock.
I am curious about this since having seen it happen, how it should of been handled. I know the rules are supposed to be strictly followed no matter it be a C-Squad game or a Varsity Game. (Unless the State/Local Association has different rules like sub-Varsity can wear light colored uniforms besides the white now required for Varsity)