Make sure you have a real good pregame with your partners. People have different philosophys when and when not to flex as lead. Try to watch your area only. It will be hard at first but remember what line is yours on OOB situations. Also here is some tid for tat that may help you but like was said read your manual.
1: Stay in your Area
2: Only one official should have a 5 sec count (If a 5 sec. count begins in your primary you stay with the count until the count is broken. At this time the new primary official will pick up the count.
3: If you have a drive from your primary, you have it all the way to the hoop.
4: Only one official should have 3 pt. prelim, and lead should rarely have it. (only in transition when T might have missed it) Trail and Center will mirror on successful 3
5. When in transition the Center will hold up play for subs
6: When calling a foul, most times you will stay table side.
7: If you call a foul that is a non-shooting foul that is called in the front-court but the ball will now be going the other way. You call the foul then treat it as a violation (this negates the long switch)
8: If a flex is missed, or screwed up just come up the middle and fill in. if you are lead becoming trail.
9: Most officials will flex when the ball is rotated below foul line extended. Some want to wait until it has settled for a sec. Pregame it.
10: Don't flex when the shot is being taken. This includes not flexing when someone is on a drive.
11: Once you begin to flex, continue the whole way across. Don't Prairie Dog it by going in and out. If you think you should flex do it and go straight across.
12: If you have a double whistle hold your call and let primary official take the call to the table
13: Last second shot is either Trail or Center depending on who is opposite table:
14: PREGAME, PREGAME, PREGAME if the other officials are ones who sometimes don't ask them too.
15: Have Fun. You won't be perfect, do your best. Worry about your calls first and the 3-man stuff will come.
GOOD LUCK! We have all been there, you never get another first time so enjoy it.