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Old Wed Dec 18, 2002, 12:35am
RILAX RILAX is offline
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What would you do if after a time out or during a dead ball (or during the live ball situation) B puts all of their defensive men in the crease in an attempt to prevent a goal? This is what I think the options are:

1) Do nothing, nothing in the rules specifically say this is illegal.

2) Consider this an illegal procedure as it is “An action … of a technical nature that is not in conformity with the rules …”

3) Consider it unsportsmanlike conduct.

4) Other

Also if it were 2 or 3 would you prevent the situation in a dead ball by telling B to stop and if they take to long flag the in-home for delay of game? And if it were 2 or 3 would you flag the in-home, all of the players in the crease, or all of the players in the crease except the goalie?
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