Originally posted by OK Ref
in FC on close guarded situations, is the player in control allowed 4 secs. to hold the ball, 4 secs. to dribble and then pick the ball up from the dribble for 4 secs., for total of 12 seconds in control of the ball?
I checked the rules and case books, and know what they say about close guarded situations, but it was brought to my attention in a game, the player could have up to 12 seconds of possession of the ball. Responses please....
Technically, they get 4.9 seconds holding, 4.9 seconds dribbling and another 4.9 seconds holding if they want, for a total of 14.7 seconds.
I still don't know why you reward a team with a taking a possession away from their opponents and giving it to them just because one of their players happens to be standing within six feet of the ball handler for five seconds.
Seems to me the reward far exceeds the deed.