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Old Sun Dec 06, 2009, 08:46pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Medical Alert Bracelet Wristband ???

Here's a post I made last season:

Home team is wearing white jerseys. During the third period, I notice that a home team player is wearing a red wristband. During a dead ball, clock stopped situation, I tell him that he can't play with the red wristband on. He tells me it's a special wristband to cover his medical alert bracelet, and sure enough, he shows me his bracelet, and he shows me the red wristband with a white medical alert logo on it. Using intent and purpose, I decided that if it was taped, as stated by rule, the tape could have been any color, and since this was obviously a special medical alert bracelet wristband, I let him continue to play. Has anyone else seen these special red medical alert bracelet wristbands, which, by the way, I think are a good idea and should be allowed by the NFHS?

Anybody have a problem with me allowing the young man to continue to play with this equipment?

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Last edited by BillyMac; Sun Dec 06, 2009 at 08:52pm.
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