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Old Sat Dec 05, 2009, 12:43pm
jdmara jdmara is offline
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
10.1.9 SITUATION: Following a charged time-out Team B is still with their
coach on the sideline when the official sounds the whistle to indicate play will
resume. Four players of B return to the court just in time to play defense as A1 attempts an unsuccessful three-pointer. B1 rebounds and throws a long pass to B5 who enters the court just in time to catch the pass. RULING: A technical foul is immediately charged to Team B for failing to have all players return to the court at approximately the same time following a time-out or intermission. While it is true the entire team may be off the court while the procedure is being used, once a team responds, all players must enter the court at approximately the same time.
Originally Posted by just another ref View Post
Never thought about this before, but the way the rule reads the 5th player cannot return without penalty at all. The technical foul is for the failure of all players to return at the same time, not for one or more players return at the wrong time. The way I read it, the technical should be assessed when the officials realize the team has only 4 on the floor, whether the 5th player actually returns or not.
I disagree that B should be charged a T once the official(s) realize they only have 4 players. It's a disadvantage to play with 4 players so let them be at the disadvantage they put themselves in. I believe the T should be charged once B5 enters the court. If they want to wait to "sub" the 5 player in, let them do that. JMO

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