point of emphasis traveling
I don't know if my antenna is up because of recent POE, but it seems like I'm noticing more traveling than I ever have. My area of concentration this season is to be focusing more on a player receiving and in possession of the ball taking two steps. Watched a GV game last night and in one possession as the ball was being rotated several times, clearly saw four travel violations. They receive the pass, establish pivot, move non pivot foot, then pivot, all with in a second or so time frame.
That said, watching recent ACC/BIG TEN Challenge, I saw the same violation plus other numerous traveling situations. Mostly however when player in possession was not being closely guarded.
My question is do our D1 brethern pass on these calls when there is no or little pressure, especially at the point, as there is no real advantage/disadvantage? If so, would you only call it if egregious?
Last edited by fullor30; Fri Dec 04, 2009 at 10:26am.