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Old Wed Dec 02, 2009, 06:22pm
Forksref Forksref is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post

“I’ve heard enough and that’s your warning.”
Extend your arm with your hand open (the "stop" sign) to visually show everyone in the gym that a warning has been issued.

I say, "Coach, that's enough." I don't say it's a warning.

Then, follow through with a "T" when the coach starts again on you.

Example: I had a coach who would not let an issue drop. I was going to administer a throw-in near her spot on the bench and as I was approaching the spot, she kept it up. I gave her the "stop" sign and said, "Coach, that's enough." As soon as the ball was inbounded, she started in again. WHACK!

I never heard a word from her the rest of the game. In my eyes, I was doing her a favor but making her stop officiating and having her goe back to coaching her team. Coaches really short-change their team when they get out of control and stop coaching.

I was a coach and I know what it's like on both sides of the whistle. In truth, I appreciated officials who put me in my place when I got emotional.
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