whether or not a call was "questionable" does not excuse inappropriate behavior of the coach or player. You called what you saw and did what you thought was right. Don't let that eat at you. If it was a mistake - so be it. It will not be the last one you make.
When this happens - keep hands to yourself, mouth professional and use the authorities as you did. If you are professional you will not need to worry about being sued either.
We had an incident last season where I called a flagrant personal foul on a player for A1 going to face of B1 with elbow and making contact - live ball sit. Coach went nuts and got a T. Following game he and his ***'t coach came after us swinging. We were heading to locker room located behind bench area and we were trapped with ***'t coming from one direction, coach from the other and we had to pass one to get to door. We hopped the chairs for the bench and went to center court and waited for police. A fan had called 911. We were threatened with legal action ....... etc. Cops came - one escourted us to locker room and to cars after changing. The other escourted players/coaches to bus. Turn's out the ***'t coach was 25 yr old son of coach and the player with flagrant was his nephew.
Cops were definately backing us as officials. Ironically, the fan that called 911 on the coach was the principal of that school. Next day we both received calls of apology and later a letter that indicatied coach had been fired for his actions. The worst thing we could have done was to act unprofessionally with word or action and escalate the situation. The only fallout we received was that we had to change a regional tournament game and drive further. We had been assigned at that school and didn't think it was a good idea to go there. State agreed with us and the state traded games with another set of officials at another site.
 When I want your opinion - I'll give it to you!