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Old Sun Nov 29, 2009, 07:47pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Never Say Always ???

At one of our recent meetings a statement was made to, "Always penalize with TEAM technical fouls if a delay of game infraction occurs after the first warning for any of the four delay of game situations." Since that meeting this statement has been gnawing at my brain. I thought that there must be a situation where a PLAYER technical is charged if a delay of game infraction occurs after the first warning for any of the four delay of game situations. So I did some research today.

10-3-5 PLAYER Technicals: Delay the game by acts such as:
a. Preventing the ball from being made live promptly or from being put in play.
d. Repeated violations of the throw-in, as in 9-2-10.

This rule leads me to believe that PLAYER technical fouls may possibly be charged when a delay of game infraction occurs after the first warning for any of the four delay of game situations.

Let's review 9-2-10:
9-2-10: The opponent(s) of the thrower shall not have any part of his/her person through the inbounds side of the throw-in boundary-line plane until the ball has been released on a throw-in pass.
Penalty 1: The first violation of the throw-in boundary-line plane by an opponent(s) of the thrower shall result in a team warning for delay being given (one delay warning per team per game). The warning does not result in the loss of the opportunity to move along the end line when and if applicable.
Penalty 2: The second or additional violations will result in a technical foul assessed to the offending team. See 10-1-5c Penalty.

Here's one possible situation that I found:
10.3.10 SITUATION D: A1 is out of bounds for a throw-in. B1 reaches through the boundary plane and knocks the ball out of A1’s hands. Earlier in the game, Team B had received a team warning for delay. RULING: Even though Team B had already been issued a warning for team delay, when B1 breaks the plane and subsequently contacts the ball in the thrower’s hand, it is considered all the same act and the end result is penalized. A PLAYER technical foul is assessed to B1; two free throws and a division line throw-in for Team A will follow. The previous warning for team delay still applies with any subsequent team delay resulting in a team technical foul. (4-47; 9-2-10 Penalty 3; 10-1-5c)

What are some other situations where a PLAYER technical is charged if a delay of game infraction occurs after the first warning for any of the four delay of game situations? In other words, what are some situations where a PLAYER technical foul is charged for preventing the ball from being made live promptly or from being put in play; or repeated violations of the throw-in, as in 9-2-10?

The difference really does matter, especially in terms of the number of fouls a player has counted toward disqualification.

I've been concentrating on the delay of game warning and technical foul for 10-1-5 Team Technicals: Allow the game to develop into an actionless contest, this includes the following and similar acts: e. Interfering with the ball following a goal after any team warning for delay.

Many years ago, wasn't there casebook play, or an annual interpretation, where, in the waning seconds of a game, after Team A scores, Team A is behind, and wants to stop the clock, so A1 picks up the ball after the made field goal and throws it several rows up into the bleachers? I believe that I remember this as being a PLAYER technical foul for interfering with the ball following a goal if there was more than five seconds left in the game, and to ignore the act if there was less than five seconds in the game. Did I dream this?

I’m really trying to understand is the purpose and intent of 10-3-5. When do we penalize PLAYERS, rather than a TEAM, for delay of game infractions? Is the general statement true to, "Always penalize with TEAM technical fouls if a delay of game infraction occurs after the first warning for any of the four delay of game situations." ?

Inquiring minds want to know.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Sun Nov 29, 2009 at 08:00pm.
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