Originally Posted by RKBUmp
I know a couple of guys that dont wear chest protectors and claim they have never been hurt, but not something I am ever going to do. I have taken 2 directly on the collar bone that certainly would have broken it if not for the chest protector.
When my daughter played JR high ball, they had an old guy show up to ump that didnt wear any gear at all, including a face mask. When the coach questioned him his response was, "non of these girls can throw hard enough to hurt you."
How long ago was this?? One thing I keep saying about the difference in working high school ball for the almost 20 years I have been working it, is that, due to the growing prominence of travel ball, kids come into school ball knowing how to pitch! And pitching hard too! One criticism I have had with our local new officials clinic, is that the clinicians, who are very good NCAA level officials, still tend to denigrate the playing/pitching ability of the 7th/8th grade girls a touch.