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Old Tue Dec 17, 2002, 10:05am
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Had the worst possible table last night. A boyfriend and his girlfriend who were, shall we say, distracted from the game. They blew it BIG TIME. Didn't start the clock when they should have, didn't stop when they should have, forgot to put up points, foul count both in the book and on the board was wrong the whole game. The book showed team B having only five fouls for the whole game, although on the board they had eight in the first half and 6 in the second half. At first I wasn't noticing, but by half-time we were starting to realize that something was amiss. We questioned them pretty closely during the second half, but even so, it was a mess. I tried to have them replaced, but the AD, "just couldn't find anyone!" Before we were off the floor, there was another table crew for the next game, why couldn't then have finished off ours?

Okay, so here are the questions...

Are we allowed to "designate" the visiting book the official one? Can we do that half-way through the game?

Should I file a report, Howard?

What would anyone else have done?
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