JV Girls AAA in Virginia
All went Well! And I had fun!
The teams were a mismatch. 15 atheletic girls verses 6 (5 girls by halftime) who were sucking wind by the sexond quarter.
What I found-
Keeping your eyes on your area is a must- helping partner out on tough out of Bounds calls is a God send
Talking with Partner at time outs helps keep things in Balance
Half time is a great time to review and to plan for the second half
End of the time- TALK! Don't just leave (we talked!)
Wished I had a better pre game. Being my first game I needed a better pre game (I did speak to my partner about this
Arriving early game me a chance to relax and feel the Gym
Arriving in dressed street clothes is nice and makes it more professional
Being relaxed (at least outwardly) calms all
Using my voice does sell calls (even when I blow them)
OK one can not walk while dribbling ( I know that but my hands called a walking violation when it was a carry)
Last second shots- Don't call things you can't see when you are the lead- I called a jump ball in hind sight on a guess with 5 seconds to go.
The game was a blow out- but it was the most important game going on for me!
Thanks for listening! Thank you partner for helping me and making me feel like part of the fraternaty
Other things
Being at the local HS. I ended up knowing 90% of the kids and their parents- Didn't seem to be a factor.
Ok game 2 on Thursday
Stewart in Virginia (CVBOA)