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Old Mon Nov 23, 2009, 02:52pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by bas2456 View Post
If you get the chance, do a scrimmage where you get to work with seasoned vets! It will be well, and I mean well, worth your time and energy to do so.

I just got back from working a scrimmage with three excellent, veteran officials (one of them I know for sure is an esteemed member of this very forum). I could not have asked for a better experience!

Not only did I get all kinds of advice for two-man mechanics, they threw me into a three man situation so I could get my feet wet (it's not as hard as it seems).

They even invited me out for pizza afterward and gave me feedback that will be very helpful going forward.

I'm serious, do something like this if you can!
I must have missed this post earlier. Sorry it has been a busy weekend.

I am glad you liked the experience. Also keep in mind you were dealing with 3 veteran officials that also teach officiating in many capacities and not only in basketball. I was the only state clinician out of this group in basketball, but the other two were in football and all of us have State Final experience (one of us will be working this weekend....and no it is not me). So we all love to teach guys to officiate and we all give back to our associations. I only say this as a cautionary tale, all veterans will not take the time or have the knowledge that we have or want to share. That does not mean that you will not come in contact with other veterans that will be just as helpful or as knowledgeable (this is not about me honestly). Just from the class I ran this past fall, I have already heard some stories about veterans not being as accommodating to the newer officials. Now sometimes that is because the officials you were working with are not that good to begin with and really are trying to find their way. But you will work with guys that just do not care but do it for the money and leave the minute the buzzer's echo has stopped.

I just wish many fellow officials were as helpful as me and the other two officials I worked with were willing to be. Then again, it also helps when you have someone that is willing to learn and hear things. But that is another story for another day.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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