Mon Nov 23, 2009, 10:03am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
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Originally Posted by BillyMac
I had a Catholic middle school junior varsity game today. During the first period, I notice that one player is wearing one of those "Allen Iverson" sleeves. I don't like being the fashion police, so, especially on this level, I will bend, but not break, a few fashion police rules. As the intermission is about to end, I single out the young man, bring him to his coach, and tell the young man, "I'm going to ask you a question. You are to answer yes. Is that sleeve for a medical reason?". He answers, "No". I say to the player, "I think you misunderstood me, is that for a medical reason?". He answers, "Yes", this time. As I'm waiting for my partner to inbound the ball to start the period, the coach says to me, "His mom raised him right, to always tell the truth".
Same game, during the second period, my partner thanked a player for wearing a watch in the game, but that we had an official timekeeper and wouldn't be needing his services, so he could take it off.
I'm away from home, don't have books or time to look on line for rule reference on sleeves. Can't remember is it's permissable to wear long sleeve performance type shirt. The one sleeve look I know is illegal unless for health issues. I believe it's under 4-1- 3,4,5 or close to it?
Recall the Candace Parker sleeve situation a few years back and can't recall if one long sleeve or full shirt?