Originally Posted by just another ref
Horsefeathers. Called that by whom?
The attorney of the dead player, or the player whose career as a concert pianist is in jeopardy. You may not call it negligence. I may not. But the attorneys representing these two players can, and will. Remember anybody can sue anybody for anything. And if you don't hire an attorney to defend yourself against false allegations, then, as they say, you have a fool for a client. Maybe our liability insurance through NFHS, or IAABO, or some other organization, will cover us, but you still need a lawyer to negotiate. And they make more per billable hour than we do on the court.
Who was it on this Forum who said, and I'm paraphrasing here, you can't do wrong if you follow the rules as written? C'mon, fess up to it. It was a good line, as I remember.