Originally Posted by grunewar
In a case similar to this last yr I had a player come back on the floor with white, medical tape over it.....objections?
Originally Posted by mbyron
Other than it still being illegal, no objections. The jewelry rule prohibits these bracelets; it does not "prohibit them unless covered with tape."
I am certainly over exaggerating here, but let's say that a piece of tape falls off, lands sticky side up on the floor, and a player slides, and falls, when his shoe touches the tape. He breaks his skull and dies. Or the tape falls off, and a promising concert pianist catches his finger under the bracelet, dislocating, and breaking, the finger in several places.
Remember that anybody can sue anybody for anything. They may not win, but the official will still have to hire an attorney. If somehow the bracelet is overlooked, that's just poor officiating, and that's one thing. If the official notices the bracelet and allows it in the game, that's another thing, it's called negligence.
And let's not forget the major editorial change for 2009-10: 3-7: Clarified that any item, in the referee’s judgment, that constitutes a safety concern is not permitted.
Note: If you do get sued, let me recommend the firm where my attorney is a partner: Howe, Dewey, Cheatem & Wynn, Attorneys at Law.