Originally Posted by Vinski
If you call goal tending on this, I think you can pretty much count on giving more than just one T. You may end up with a couple of ejections as well.
Enforcing goal tending is not at all what the rules want here. Can you imagine trying to explain this to your assigner or during the next pool meeting? You know you’re going to have to because the coach is going to be on phone with them.
I say to my assigner or the coach "Rule 10.22 says that goaltending can occur on the free throw and rule 10.20.2 says the free throw starts when it is at the disposal of the free throw shooter"
I don't think it would be that difficult. It's one point. The kid took away his right to attempt the free throw by slapping the ball away prior to him having an "fair" opportunity to score the basket.
Again like I said earlier I have no problem just letting the kid re-shoot and then the tech, but why would the definition of goaltending (4.22) state that it can occur on a free throw?
At what point to you call it a Goaltending on the free throw? Once the shot is on it's downward flight outside the cylinder? Once it hits the cylinder it would be Basket Interference and no un-sporting act occurs. Agreed?