Thread: for Derock
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Old Mon Dec 16, 2002, 08:10am
James Neil James Neil is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2000
Posts: 465
I was thinking the same thing HSWH. This guy is so full of crap it’s unbelievable. He tells us he doesn’t have time to answer these questions because he got the call to work a big time football tourney. (OWWWW I’m so impressed). Yet he had plenty of time to post his dribble on another thread explaining how rules are fine “If you're taking a rules test or someone challenges you about a rule”, but what we really need is some of that good old “Super Defrock Judgment”. I mean come on… Rules? Super Defrock don’t need no stinking rules. He didn’t bother to take me up on my offer to send him a rule book.(which didn’t surprise me) What do you want to bet he does all his rules studying and polishes his “Super Defrock Judgment” in front of his TV on Sunday? Then he spends the rest of his time practising how he’s going to tell coaches ”YOU WILL RESPECT ME !” . I’ll also bet that when he gets the call to work the NFL(he’s so dam good) his uniform number will be 666 because I’m sure he’s the Anti-Ref.